CEO and Co-Founder, Mary and Main

A: I typically wake up around 6am. As soon as my alarm goes off, I get up (this helps me not be tempted to press snooze) and brush my teeth. I take about 10 minutes to do a devotional, then another 10-20 minutes to meditate, and then I like to blast some gospel music while I’m making a cup of tea, that I sweeten with CBD honey.

A: At the moment, I am mostly known for being the youngest black woman to own a legal dispensary. In addition to managing the operations of the store, I wear multiple other hats for the business such as, CFO, investor relations, HR, marketing, compliance officer, and more. But, I am a serial entrepreneur in the true sense of the word. I am also working to launch an agency that will help you develop a CBD brand from start to launch. Also, I am a coach and consultant for those who are looking to enter into the cannabis industry.

A: The last book I read was called “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. My biggest takeaway from the book is that we can manifest anything we want in life if our minds can truly believe that it is possible, and we continuously put positive beliefs in the universe.

A: The cannabis industry in the US is very segmented due to the fact that every state is operating under separate laws. The difference in the way cannabis is governed is stark because of this fact. As cannabis becomes legal in more states and eventually at the federal level, I believe you will see a shift to more uniform laws which will completely shift how business is done in cannabis from many perspectives but mainly in banking/ finance and the supply chain.

A: My favorite productivity habit is to time block my days. I get very detailed when I time block, even down to when I should take breaks, or eat lunch. As an entrepreneur, sometimes I will get locked into a project, and will not even put my head up to breath. Having my days well thought out and planned allows for me to be productive without running myself into the ground.

A: Often times people believe that they can do it all on their own and do not seek help or, they feel that everyone is out to get them, and do not want to take the risk of being burned. Both feelings are valid and I can understand, but the quicker you are able to sharpen your discernment to understand when you need help and who has good intentions verses those who do not, the quicker you will reach success.
About Hope Wiseman:
Born and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Hope Wiseman has always been passionate about serving her community. In 2014, Hope Wiseman graduated with an economics degree from the illustrious Spelman College. After spending a year at SunTrust as an Equity Institutional Sales Analyst, Hope decided to continue striving for excellence by pursuing her dreams of entrepreneurship. In Fall 2017, Hope Wiseman became the youngest Black woman dispensary owner in the United States with the opening of Mary & Main dispensary in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Hope has been featured in Black Enterprise, Huffington Post, Blavity, and more. In addition to her entrepreneurial pursuits, Hope is a speaker and consultant to individuals who are looking to enter the cannabis industry.
Social Media:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hopewiseman
Company website: www.Maryandmain.com www.hopewiseman.com