There were a lot of emotions, among them frustration, as dozens of people showed up to implore the Prince George’s County Council in Maryland about how to vote on a bill described as “rent stabilization” by those who supported it and “rent control” by those who didn’t.
The legislation — passed 9 to 1 with county Council member Ingrid Watson absent — imposes a 3% cap on rent hikes on nearly all rental properties around the county over the next year.
A news conference held before the vote reinforced the council’s overwhelming support for the bill, even if it was more even among those who testified before the council later on. Joining the council were both advocates for the measure and County Executive Angela Alsobrooks.
Alsobrooks began her remarks ahead of the vote by thanking the council for “demonstrating a true understanding of what many of our residents suffer each and every day.”
Click here to read the rest of the article written by John Domen over at WTOP