In the final days of Maryland’s legislative session Prince George’s County State Senator Ron Watson rose to explain amendments to a bill, HB1079, that would apply only to the Prince George’s County Board of Education.
He described it as a routine matter to his senate colleagues. “It requires the county board to retain legal counsel to defend county board members,” said Watson.
The Senate went along. Senate President Bill Ferguson speaking from the head of the chamber, asking, “Any discussion on the amendments? Without objection the amendments are adopted.”
On the last day of the legislative session the bill raced through, still without any discussion or objections. The bill won unanimous support. Now word is out in the community about House Bill 1079 and there are serious objections.
“No! and I mean no. It’s ridiculous,” says parent Phyllis Wright.
What has Wright and former school board member Belinda Queen fuming is that the bill requires the school system to spend tax dollars to pay nearly $150,000 in legal fees former school board chair Juanita Miller ran up in her battle to stay on the board in spite of charges of misconduct and incompetence.
Click here to read the rest of the article written by Brad Bell over at WJLA ABC 7