Four men have applied to become the next state treasurer — including the overwhelming frontrunner for the job, state Del. Dereck E. Davis (D-Prince George’s), and a former state lawmaker who left the legislature in 1995.
A legislative panel is scheduled to interview the four candidates virtually Monday morning, and the General Assembly will choose the next treasurer during its upcoming special session on redistricting, which will begin on Dec. 6.
The state treasurer position is coming vacant because Nancy K. Kopp (D), who has held the job for almost two decades, plans to retire by the end of the year.
The treasurer is selected every four years by the 188-member General Assembly, giving an advantage to any state legislator who seeks the job — and particularly to a member of the House, since there are three times as many delegates as senators in Annapolis. The last four state treasurers have either been current or former delegates; Davis has served in the House since 1995 and has chaired the powerful Economic Matters Committee for nearly 19 years.
Click here to read the rest of the article written by Josh Kurtz over at Maryland Matters