For Sandy Tate, worshipping at Rock Creek Baptist Church meant making a 45-minute trek from Upper Marlboro, Md. into the District and then trolling for parking in the congested Petworth Community.
But now Tate’s church home is only 10 minutes away because after years of not having parking or the ability to expand, Rock Creek Baptist Church moved to a new home that sits on 25 acres of land. “Every time we came into the District we had to worry about parking and the police writing tickets,” said Tate, one of the trustees of a church that moved into Prince George’s County about three months ago.
Sr., pastor of the 144-year-old congregation, said the church tried for years to expand but about a decade ago realized there was no way to grow at their 8th and Upshur Streets, NW location. The church moved to Maryland in October.
Click here to read the rest of the article written by Hamil Harris over at the Afro.Com