Says Councilmember Anderson-Walker in a post on Facebook:
As Peter and I embark on this journey to earn the trust and vote of Marylanders across our state to serve as your next governor and lieutenant governor, it is critical that I am able to devote 110% to this incredibly important and worthwhile endeavor, while ensuring that the residents of the 8th District receive the same level of focus, responsiveness, and service from their voice on the Council.
That’s why I am announcing my resignation from The Prince George’s County Council representing the Great District 8 effective immediately to allow me to join the ticket full-time, visit communities across Maryland and introduce myself to voters, and join Peter in sharing our vision for our great state. Doing so will ensure that the 8th District will be able to elect my successor to serve the final year of my term, as required by the County Charter. This was not an easy decision to make, but one that I felt was in the best interest of our District given the demands of a statewide gubernatorial campaign.
You can read the full letter to my constituents below.
Thank you for giving me the honor of serving the community and a county that I love. I’ll see you on the campaign trail!